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Sport & PE


A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.


The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities. That children are physically active for sustained periods of time. That children engage in competitive sports and activities and that children lead healthy, active lives.

At Scotton Lingerfield, through high quality PE, school sport and physical activity we intend all children to develop knowledge and understanding in the following key areas;

  • Physical
  • Thinking
  • Social
  • Health and Wellbeing

Physical Education Intent – Our intent is for children to learn and develop knowledge and skills in the following four areas.



Running, jumping & throwing

Water confidence, swimming and water skills


Decision making and tactics

Movement and travelling

Movement to music


Confidence and self-worth

Controlling objects

Gross and fine motor skills


Predict and judge

Balance and control

Outdoor and adventurous challenges 

Desire to improve



Health and Wellbeing 


Fair play and honesty

Physically active habits

Know how the body works




Personal safety

Experience activity beyond their usual environments



Healthy Eating

Experience success


Compete with and against 

Physical fitness

Impact of the body and mind of physical activity 


Our long-term planning sequence outlines exactly what children will learn during their physical education sequence from reception to Year Six. 

Our knowledge sequence details the specific knowledge and skills learnt at the different stages and year groups. 



Implementation of our Intent

Quality First Implementation of our PE Curriculum

School Sport

Physically Activity

Structured PE timetable systematically implementing curriculum supported by additional professional specialists


Active lessons that engage children and encourage high levels of activity and participation 


Systematically planned learning with high quality planning to support staff and ensure children progress


Purposeful assessment

and feedback that helps children build on prior knowledge to know and understand more 

A range of clubs and experiences 

for all children to engage

with, outside of lesson

time (including Pupil

Premium & SEND)


Access to competitions and

events for all children via Sporting Influence and outside specialist coaches


Links to wider events (i.e.

world cups/ Olympics, Sports Relief) 



Active playgrounds supporting 30 active minutes for children through the day


Embedding physical

activity opportunities

throughout the school



Using activity as a tool

for teaching active



Promoting and supporting active travel


Forest schools



Physical Education (PE) at Scotton Lingerfield Primary School helps children to gain the knowledge and understanding of fundamental movement, physical confidence and the social, emotional and physical benefits to health of regular exercise in a variety of contexts both traditional and non-traditional, individual and team.  

Our curriculum meets the aims of the national curriculum and is planned sequentially to ensure that pupils are building upon prior knowledge and skills as they progress through school. Learning begins with a pre-unit assessment to ensure that children possess the prior learning needed to build upon.

Children are encouraged and empowered to participate in physical activity and understand how this influences their own well-being and that of others. By experiencing first-hand the benefits of an active life style, they encourage others to participate in sport, dance, exercise, recreation, and adventure pursuits. 

In our school being physically literate means children have developed a broad range of physical skills including balance, co-ordinated movement, spatial awareness and can apply these in a range of traditional and non-traditional sporting contexts such as team games, individual sports, athletics, gymnastics, dance and swimming. 

Children have access to 2 P.E. sessions per week.  During these lessons, children are able to measure and evaluate their performance, suggesting ways to improve and recognising their success, achievements and personal bests clearly and accurately. Through all PE learning children develop strength, flexibility and good balance which can be applied within team games, dance, gymnastics and outdoor adventurous activities. All children from Year 1- 6 attend swimming lessons for one term of the year. 

Our PE curriculum enables and challenges children to step outside their comfort zone to take on new social, physical, and emotional challenges. Taking on challenges and assessing risk develops their decision-making skills and builds their ability to assess risk for themselves thus building independence for their futures. 


By the time children leave our school our children will understand the importance and value being physically active and physically literate on their mental and physical health. They will have had a broad range of physical activity in different environments and will be inspired to continue to be psychically active. They will have experienced successes physically by themselves and with others. By the time children reach the end of Year Six they will be securely physically literate and working in line with age related national expectations. They will have competed in intra and inter school competitions. They will have secure knowledge of the wide-ranging benefits of regular exercise and will have developed a passion and enthusiasm for one or more sports or forms of exercise.

Assessment in PE

Following each unit, children complete an end of unit quiz/activity to demonstrate their learning. This allows pupils to recall previously learnt knowledge and skills. Pupils are supported in addressing any gaps throughout these sessions. 

Results are added to tracking grids which support end of year judgements. 

The subject leader monitors the subject through:

Learning walks

Seesaw scrutiny

Planning scrutiny

Data/assessment scrutiny

Pupil voice


National Curriculum Programme of Study - Sport & PE

Long Term Plan

Progression Document


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