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Scotton Lingerfield Primary School

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Road Safety


In the past we have welcomed Dave Ashton from the North Yorkshire Police Traffic Bureau with his speed camera van.  The children are able to see how the camera works and always have lots of great questions.  Dave was really impressed with the children and sent us a lovely message:

"I would like to thank your staff and especially the children for making me feel very welcome.  It was such a joy to see the children's smiling faces.  What a lovely group of children they are, very polite and some lovely chatty characters.  I could have stayed all day."


Our Year 6 children also take part in a two day Bikeability course each year, the aim of which is to give children the confidence and skills to cycle out and about safely on the road.  We always receive lovely feedback from the trainers about how engaged and enthusiastic the children are.

As a parent or visitor  you can contribute to our road safety by always parking in our school car park and not on the road outside school.


Here are some useful links for parents and carers:


Road Safety For Children | Child Accident Prevention Trust (capt.org.uk)

Teaching Road Safety: A Guide for Parents (rospa.com)

Teaching road safety skills to children with additional needs (rospa.com)

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