School Curriculum
At Scotton Lingerfield Primary school, our intention is to provide children with learning and experiences which allow them to develop a broad understanding of the world around them and the different cultures and beliefs which exist both in this country and across the world. We want our children to grow into successful adults who respect and value the diversity of people and places all around the World. This is the vehicle that drives our whole school curriculum planning.
Our school’s curriculum has been created carefully to ensure that it meets the aims of the national curriculum, enhanced to encompass our specific school aims. It is designed to be accessible, engaging and challenging for all learners, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds, and to provide all children with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to enable them to succeed in their future lives and careers. Our school is situated in a rural part of North Yorkshire with very little diversity in its population – it is therefore our intention to provide a curriculum with a strong global, environmental and cultural foundation to ensure children’s knowledge and understanding of other cultures and beliefs, along with the understanding and desire to look after the world they live in, is put at the heart of their learning.
Click below to see our curriculum enhancements:
Our curriculum has been carefully planned across a two year rolling programme. It is delivered through themes which link to quality texts. All subjects are taught discretely, although links are made within themes where this will help the children to apply knowledge in context or where there are natural links, for example teaching children about the changes in states of matter before teaching about the water cycle ensures that they understand the process of condensation and evaporation and can apply that knowledge in context.
All core subjects are taught weekly. History, Geography, Art, RE and DT are taught in blocks to allow children more time to become absorbed in those topics as we believe that this allows the children to learn more deeply, gaining more knowledge and skills. PE, music, computing and languages are subjects which require regular practice to secure skills. As a result, we teach these subjects weekly. We also teach most of our PSHE curriculum weekly allowing us to continually reinforce important messages and respond to need.
All subjects are aligned to the National Curriculum expectations and we have developed detailed progression documents to ensure that children can continually build upon prior knowledge. Regular recaps and quizzes are planned in to th elearning cycles to ensure knowledge is embedded.
Remote education is delivered in line with the long term curriculum unless there is a requirement for specialist equipment, such as musical instruments. In these instances, the curriculum is adjusted so that these can be taught when the children are in school.
Children leave our school as happy confident individuals who possess the knowledge and skills that will allow them to succeed in the next stage of their education. They develop a good understanding of the world and embrace the differing cultures of the people they meet. They are equipped to lead safe and healthy lives.